How to Install XMRig - Step-by-Step Guide for Mining Monero on Your Computer

How to Install XMRig - Step-by-Step Guide for Mining Monero on Your Computer

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced miner, this guide will walk you through the installation process, ensuring that you can start mining XMR
monero - xmrig install
Download XMRig v6.21.2 2.53 MB via Github or check the latest releases

Welcome to our step-by-step guide on installing XMRig, the popular open-source mining software for Monero (XMR) cryptocurrency. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced miner, this guide will walk you through the installation process, ensuring that you can start mining XMR efficiently and securely.

Step 1: Download XMRig

The first step is to download the latest version of XMRig from the official GitHub repository. You can find the repository by searching for "XMRig" on GitHub. Once you are on the XMRig repository page, look for the "Releases" section and download the version that is compatible with your operating system. XMRig is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Step 2: Extract the files

After the download is complete, navigate to the downloaded file and extract the contents. This will create a folder containing the necessary files for XMRig. Make sure to keep this folder in a secure location, as it will contain your mining software and any configuration files you create.

Step 3: Configure XMRig

Open the folder containing the extracted files and locate the configuration file named "config.json". Open this file using a text editor, such as Notepad or Visual Studio Code. In this file, you will need to specify your mining pool's address, your mining account details, and other options such as CPU and GPU settings. Make sure to save the changes after making any modifications to the configuration file.

Step 4: Start mining

Now that XMRig is properly configured, you are ready to start mining XMR. Double-click on the XMRig executable file, and the mining software will launch. You will be able to see real-time information about your mining activity, including the hash rate and the number of accepted shares. Sit back and let XMRig do its job, while you earn XMR with your mining power.

That's it! You have successfully installed XMRig and are now ready to start mining Monero. Remember, mining cryptocurrency requires computational power, so make sure your hardware is capable of handling the mining process. Happy mining!

XMRig Install

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to install XMRig, a popular open-source Monero (XMR) CPU miner.

Step 1: Download the latest version of XMRig from the official GitHub repository.

Step 2: Extract the downloaded ZIP file to a location of your choice.

Step 3: Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the extracted folder using the cd command.

Step 4: Run the command cmake . to generate the build files.

Step 5: Run the command make to compile XMRig.

Step 6: After the compilation is complete, configure XMRig by creating a config.json file. You can use the provided config_example.json as a template.

Step 7: Run XMRig using the command ./xmrig or ./xmrig.exe depending on your operating system.

Step 8: Monitor your mining activity and earnings by accessing the XMRig web interface, which is usually available at http://localhost:3333.

Step 9: Adjust the mining settings in the config.json file to optimize your mining performance and customize your mining pool preferences.

Step 10: Enjoy mining Monero with XMRig and start earning XMR!

Note: Mining cryptocurrencies may consume a significant amount of CPU power and electricity. Make sure to consider the potential costs and risks associated with mining before proceeding.

Step 1: Download the Latest Version

To get started with XMRig, you need to download the latest version of the software. Follow the steps below to complete this process:

  1. Open your preferred web browser.
  2. Navigate to the official XMRig website.
  3. Look for the "Downloads" section on the website.
  4. Click on the link to download the latest version of XMRig for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).
  5. Once the download is complete, navigate to the location where the file was saved.
  6. Extract the downloaded file if it is in a compressed format (e.g., ZIP or TAR).

Step 2: Extract the Files

After you have successfully downloaded the XMRig installation file, the next step is to extract the files from the downloaded archive.

To do this, navigate to the folder where you downloaded the installation file. Right-click on the file and select "Extract All" from the context menu. You can choose a destination folder for the extracted files or simply use the default location.

Once you have selected the destination folder, click on the "Extract" button to start the extraction process. Depending on the size of the file and the speed of your computer, this process may take a few moments.

After the extraction is complete, you will see a new folder containing the extracted files. This folder will typically have the same name as the downloaded installation file. Open the folder to confirm that all the necessary files have been extracted.

At this point, you have successfully extracted the XMRig files. You are now ready to proceed to the next step, which is configuring the software for mining.

Step 3: Configure XMRig

After successfully installing XMRig, it's time to configure it for mining Monero. Follow the steps below to get started:

Step 1:

Open the XMRig configuration file using a text editor. The file is usually named "config.json".

Step 2:

Look for the "pools" section in the configuration file. This section contains the details of the mining pools you will be connecting to. You can add multiple pools to increase your chances of finding a block. Each pool should be specified in the following format:


"url": "pool-url:port",

"user": "your-wallet-address.worker-name",

"pass": "worker-password"


Replace "pool-url:port" with the URL and port number of the pool you wish to connect to. Replace "your-wallet-address.worker-name" with your Monero wallet address and worker name. If the pool supports password authentication, replace "worker-password" with your worker password. If the pool does not require authentication, you can remove the "pass" line from the configuration.

Step 3:

Adjust the mining settings according to your preference. The important settings to consider are:

"threads": Number of CPU threads to be used for mining. You can set this value based on the number of cores in your CPU.

"cpu-affinity": Specifies which CPU cores should be used for mining. It is recommended to leave this setting to its default value or consult the documentation for advanced usage.

"rx/0": Mining algorithm to be used. For Monero, set this value to "rx/0" as it uses the RandomX algorithm.

Save the configuration file after making the necessary changes.

Step 4: Start Mining

Now, you can start mining by running the XMRig executable. Depending on your operating system, you can execute the command "xmrig" or "./xmrig" in the terminal or command prompt.

Congratulations! You have successfully configured XMRig for mining Monero. Keep an eye on the terminal or command prompt for mining statistics, and remember to check your mining pool's dashboard for updates on your mining progress.


Monero miner or XMRig Download: official website

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